Friday, June 29, 2018
Thursday, June 28, 2018
A creepy man called prince
One horrible rainy day there was a man name prince he was Bad and He was a murder at the same time.
He had 6 daughters and 5 sons with two of them were twins and also he had a beautiful charming wife with a lovely soul in her heart.He lived at a creepy woods That had wolves and creepy clowns.
It was a really small town that they were at.
Then suddenly the prince was drunk and had a gun and a knife in his hand saying “i will kill you all” he said then he shot his wife with his gun then stabbed her in the stomach.Then One kid was in his bed thinking what to do and he chucked his long blanket to the ground and the other end to the hook.Then he jumped out and quickly run so he can go somewhere safe.then he went sleep .And then he woke up in a maze where someone took him to.
He was fratin of the maze because there were big spiders and also scary creatures in there.
Then he walked until a huge big spider came to eat him.Then he run all the way to the exit to get out.
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Thursday, June 21, 2018
Room 7 Co-constructed narrative
House on fire
Hear sirens going off - firemen are coming
Put the fire out with water hoses
Smoke is strong
Problem - there might be people inside?!
PS4 is still inside. - valuables
Clothes are inside.
Might be cats or dogs inside
Playing fortnite- little boy poured water on the plug.
Little boy - craig. Blonde hair, 1 metre high, 8 years old, freckles, brown eyes, short curly hair, fortnite t shirt, drinking water, laughed and dropped the cup, or got angry, screamed.
Fire in the house
One sunny beautiful Saturday Craig was playing Fornite with his friend Jack. They had been playing all day long.
Craig was a 8 year old boy with blonde, curly hair and chocolate brown eyes. He was wearing his favourite turquoise Fornite shirt and seafoam pants. Jack was 9 and had jet black hair and bright blue eyes. The two boys were playing Fornite in the lounge at Craig’s house. The lounge looked like a pigsty, with stinky socks, pizza boxes and mountain dew cans everywhere.
Craig was sooo engrossed in his game. He leapt out of the bus, pressed X and landed on one of the houses. Craigs thumbs and fingers were starting to ache from playing for sooo long without a break. Jack thought a glass of water might wake him up, so he went to get his friend a cool glass of icy water. He was just strolling back into the messy lounge, when he heard Craig scream “OHHH YEAH HEADSHOT!”. It gave Jack such a fright that he dropped the glass of water, and “Oh no!” he screamed, it tipped straight onto the electrical plug. Craig sniffs “sniff sniff”, “I can smell smoke, is the oven on?”. Jack yells “THERE’S A FIRE, HELP!”. Craig finally looks up from his game to see that the PS4 caught on fire! Craig thought to himself “Dang it, I was about to win!”. The two boys rushed outside leaving all their valuables behind.
Jack ran to the neighbours house and asked to borrow Lucy’s phone. “HELP HELP OUR HOUSE IS ON FIRE!”. Craig could hear the sirens of the fire engines getting closer and closer. Jack and Craig tried to comfort each other, but they were panicking so much and couldn’t hear each other over the sirens and blaring smoke alarms. The firetrucks arrived and extinguish the flames in 1 long hour.
The two boys felt depressed. Their game was over, and they didn’t win. And now… their house was destroyed.
Tuesday, June 19, 2018
Monday, June 18, 2018
my best friend lily.
this is my friend lily.
she's pretty and she is smart.she bes kind and she helps another with their work if there stuck with something.
she's a good friend and a good listener, and i even bloged to her blog saying-
nice job lily and keep up the good work.
Friday, June 15, 2018
Thursday, June 14, 2018
true or false
solar system anticipation guide
WAL about the solar system - anticipation guide.
Decide if you think each statement is TRUE or FALSE. Write what you think with your initials next to it. Tell your buddy WHY you think that.
The sun is a 5 billion year old big ball of gas.
True because its made out of hydrogen gas and helium and is made out of the big bang.
The sun looks brighter because it’s closer to the Earth than other stars. True because the stars in the sky is little but the star might be bigger than our sun and like is another solar system.
The Earth is round but flat, like a pancake.
Seasons are caused by the Earth's distance from the Sun.
Phases of the Moon are caused by a shadow from the Earth.false
The Moon makes light the same way the Sun does.
Day and night are caused by the Sun going around the Earth.false