
Friday, September 6, 2019

Te wiki o te reo no Tonga

Image result for tongan gif
How - Walk to the hall
When-03.09.2019 of september on Tuesday.
Who-Matua Filipe
Why-because it's Tongan language week.
What- Matua Filipe art work


On 03.09.2019, Matua Filipe came to our school for Tongan language week. He had a guest with him also, his name is John but he was like a kaiawhina. In the beginning, Whaea Luti introduced herself to them and then Matua Filipe introduced himself to us. Matua started to show us some of his artwork he had done. They were very cool and also weird. One of the art pieces was a boat going forward and if you turn your head the other way was a plane. Those two were my favourites. There was some photos in the beginning too but I don't really know how to translate it back into my own words.
In the end, Whaea Luti picked five people to ask Matua Filipe some questions. The first one was George, he is in Room 8. I accidentally forgot his questions. The other one I didn't know their name but I know the questions they ask. The questions were how many art pieces have you done? Then we finished and all of the classes went back to their akomanga.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019