
Monday, March 23, 2020

mahi toi!

Whainga(WALT) Kia mohio te akonga ki te whakamahi e te peita maa te kaui..

Kia ora e te whaanau!! Ko Waiari tooku igoa and I am here to talk to you all about my mahi toi.
So today March the 20th my akomanga were doing string toi. This is what it looks like.
How we did it was....

  1. Matua or Koka gave us a piece of string dipped into a colour we picked, there were four colours to choose from: kahurangi (blue), whero (red), kaakaariki (green) and parauri (brown).
  2. We had to grab 2 pepa and a book.
  3. I got my piece of string and made a squiggly design on my clean piece of pepa.
  4. Placed my second sheet of paper on top of my string.
  5. Then I placed a book on top of my clean sheet of pepa.
  6. After that I slowly pulled my string out, but I had to make sure that I pulled it straight and slowly to get the tulip look effect.
  7. I repeated the steps above with my second chosen colour.
Ngaa mihi and ka kite anoo!!!!!!!!!!!!

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